Leaked details surface on Civilization VII ahead of the upcoming Summer Game Fest announcement

Tonight, the Summer Game Fest launches, stirring a buzz of anticipation for potential reveals alongside confirmed teasers and some unanticipated disclosures.

2K Games is at the center of the talk, having committed to unveiling a new addition to one of their adored series. There's been a rampant presumption that it might be the next installment in the Borderlands, Mafia, or Bioshock series, yet the evidence points to an entirely distinct direction.

Earlier today, 2K Games inadvertently revealed a promotional graphic for Civilization VII (which went public without its name the previous year) on their official website, only to retract it swiftly once it was discovered. Nonetheless, eagle-eyed Reddit users secured the visual proof, which is available for your viewing pleasure via this link.

Therefore, gear up for Civilization VII to take center stage during tonight's event – its impact perhaps slightly diminished by the premature disclosure courtesy of an inadvertent move by someone at 2K Games.

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